Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Are you a visionary??

To be a visionary, and thus have a higher level of inner power to change and create the world around you, one must learn to live at the level of vision. 
Michael Skye - founder of Vision Force Academy

Brave New World

My horoscope today said this:

"Luckily, you're on a roll and you are able to coordinate all the pieces to make things happen just as you envision it. But remember that logic will only take you so far; imagination, on the other hand, inspires others and carries you anywhere you want to go. Don't stop believing; if you can dream it with enough clarity, you can make it real." (Rick Levine at

Mr. Levine has made a common mistake here in equating dreams and imagination with vision and they are really vastly different. Corporations that stress leadership, team building, staff development and goal setting know the difference - employees are not asked to write or create a "dream statement" but are often expected to craft a "vision statement" for the company or department. Dreams are actually pretty ordinary and we all have them whether night dreams or daydreams. We fantasize or creatively imagine hypothetical scenarios. Waking or sleeping, we often participate in imaginative thinking...perhaps not quite as adventurously as The Secret Life of Walter Mitty - but imaginative just the same. The problem is that a dream has no power to fulfill's "wishful" thinking, "what if" thinking, "wouldn't it be grand if" thinking.

According to Michael Skye, founder of Vision Force Academy and creator of proprietary software called "iStand" which is used in his leadership training courses, a vision on the other hand is, "What you see when you look to the future without hypothesizing, wishing or imagining." A vision is the reality you fully EXPECT for your future, not what you wish for. A vision arises from an inner sight and inner light rather than from the rational mind - what those engaged in Chakra-based meditation call the "third eye." To convert a dream or imaginary scenario into reality, one must become a visionary.  A visionary lives out of his/her vision  and, "To the extent that we can take control of our vision - or live at the level of vision - we can have much more power to lead our lives and create what we want in life and with others - as visionaries," says Skye.

Skye seems to think that one can become a visionary through practice and he's not alone. Lots of spiritual leaders these days speak of the power of vision - Ram Dass, Sri Chinmoy, Pema Chodron, Neale Donald Walsch, among others. And many motivational and self-help gurus say much the same thing - Wayne Dyer, Gregg Braden, Carolyn Myss, Deepak Chopra, and Marianne Williamson to name just a few popular figures in this field. 

Do you have a clear vision of yourself as an artist/writer, know without conscious thought where you want to go and what you want to express as an artist/writer? Are you living and creating from that inner sight?  With practice and intention, those with a vision turn their imagination into reality. I'm going to give it a about you? To quote a remarkable visionary:

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