Sunday, January 12, 2014

On Mystery and Wonder...

"Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis for man's desire to understand."
Neil Armstrong
Writer/philosopher Sam Keen in his best-selling book, Fire in the Belly, advised that today’s men (not women) needed to go on a sacred quest to discover the fire in their bellies that “ignites the flame in their hearts.” He called this quest the “heroic journey” – much the same as Joseph Campbell described in “The Power of Myth.” Keen may not have intended the book for women as it is subtitled “On Being a Man,” but I loved it so much and my own copies became so dog-eared from re-reading that I’m on my fourth copy of it and cherish it above most of my books. The author speaks of today’s hero as being almost opposite in character from our traditional heroes whom we have imagined “larger than life.” Today, our heroes may remain off the radar because the foundation for their character is humility and modesty rather than standing apart and above other men. 

I think the quest he describes is universal and I know his description of it was the first step on my own sacred quest which has led me inevitably to art and poetry to express the mystery and wonder I experience each step of the way. To successfully complete the hero’s journey, Keen says we must possess ten heroic virtues and the first he talks about is wonder. That was enough to capture my heart.  He went on to share a poem he’d written about his father whom he called the great exemplar of wonder and he concludes the poem with this amazing line of tribute to a father who taught him much about the hero’s quest – “In his ambiance, I learned that it is a good thing to take time to wonder.” Every heroic journey must begin with a renewed sense wonder – ours too. Have you taken the time lately to observe the caution to “Stop, Look and Listen?” Stop because our eyes need time to see what is beautiful in all around us, look with wonder, and listen in awe to the mystery that is life. And mystery remains for me one of the things that inspires my creativity the most. 

© Lianne Schneider - 2011

Among the artists who make me stand in awe and delve into the mystery is Anne (Nancy) Lacy whose digital art is unlike any other and whose series “Passages to the Soul” left me awestruck and deeply captivated. There are so many whose photographs cause me to stop, whose paintings make look, and whose digital creations evoke wonder expressed only where my heart can listen for it, that I can only hope to scratch the surface by mentioning them here and there

[Addendum: Please let me know if you are unable to leave a comment. I understand that you must be logged in to your Google + account to do so. If need be, I’ll change my settings but that would mean that I’ll lose all the beautiful comments on previous blogs when I disable that.]


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