Wednesday, January 1, 2014

With All My Soul...intentions for the New Year

“Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come, whispering, 'It will be happier'...” 
                                                                       Alfred Lord Tennyson

It may seem strange to begin a new year with a bouquet of flowers in the middle of winter but this is more than just a digital painting. The title "Avec Toute Mon Ame" means "with all my soul." That's important because that's what is necessary to keep resolutions, to ensure that this year is a happier, more successful and more fulfilling one than the last. It's a determination to give the effort all of me...heart AND soul. I've been a very lackadaisical blogger over the years, and I'm not making promises to blog every day now or even every week. But I am committing my full heart and soul to my art and poetry this year and setting an intention to publish an ebook of the results of those endeavors in time for next Christmas. I have a feeling, too, that maintaining more consistent attention to my blog may play a big role in all of that. 

So many lovely wishes were passed around last night on social networks - wonderful quotes and inspiring images and friendly hopes and blessings extended to friends and family. It was lovely to share in all of that enthusiasm [to be inspired, filled with Spirit] and yet, the one thing often overlooked is our hopes and dreams for ourselves. So I want to share with you the one Facebook post I saved, printed and intend to make my "resolution" for this year: 

That's my wish for each of you as well...create yourself anew and find joy in the creation. 
Happy New Year 2014


  1. Happy New Year to you, as well!!! Beautiful first post, Lianne. Looking forward to more.

    1. Thank you so very much Lincoln - it's a start. I don't have your imagination or Sharon's but I'll give it a shot. Your support means the world to me!!

  2. Reading your words and absorbing your art is one of my pleasures. I'm glad you'll be blogging, of course when you can and feel the desire. XXX

    1. Ah my dearest Lisa - it's so lovely to find myself in such good company. I doubt I'll have as much to say or say it as beautifully as you do, but it's a joy to share with you at any time. Thank you from my heart. xoxo

  3. Wishing you tons of good luck with your new endeavor Lianne. Have a great 2014

    1. Just lovely of you Chris to take the time to visit. Hope you'll drop by often and leave some words of wisdom about the world of art. Your contributions would be invaluable.
